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Business Travel Management, Colombia Tours, and VAT Refunds For Business

Coromandel SAS provides services such as Travel Management Consultation, Holidays, and VAT Refund services for Business Travel. We bring over 30 years of Corporate Travel, Leisure, and VAT Refund experience to the table. 

Coromandel SAS is established in the Colombian capital city, Bogotá DC in 2013, and is registered with the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce.


Travel Management

Corporates with larger volumes of business travel need Travel Management. Coromandel SAS can fine-tune your travel services configuration to optimal levels of efficiency, ensuring you get the best out of your suppliers. Such service delivery needs the optimisation of several factors; it is best executed by an experienced consultant.

More on Travel Management…

VAT Recovery

VAT Refund on Business Travel

An easy to implement, cost saving service offered to businesses by Coromandel SAS is Value Added Tax (VAT) recovery from VAT refunding countries. Several countries refund VAT incurred on business travel. We offer our clients a turn-key solution and create another avenue of savings on T&E budgets . 

More on our VAT Recovery Services…

Holidays and MICE Travel in Colombia

Visit Colombia

Colombia is a beautiful country with lovely friendly people. Many visitors are interested in the Andes cities of Bogotá and Medellín. Some add the coastal Caribbean city of Cartagena. You can visit any time of the year. In December and January, you will encounter the least amount of rain – Colombia is the rainiest country in the world!

More on Holidays & MICE Travel…

Welcome to The World of Coromandel SAS Services

Business Travel Services

We objectively evaluate a corporate client’s current travel ordering and reporting processes and offer solutions that will add benefits, or result in savings. For instance, a multinational may use several Travel Bookers to handle airline and hotel reservations. That may not be necessary if certain processes are automated. Even without automation, just the use of standardised templates could result in savings in terms of efficiency and time; which of course, translates to money.

Even though we are based in the beautiful Andes city of Bogotá, we can handle Travel management projects in any city around the world using one of the simple video platforms.

Travel Management Cost Reduction

Coromandel SAS takes a holistic approach to Travel Management. It is the entire picture that is of importance to us. Everything we do aims at cost reduction and savings for our clients. Whatever their own experience in the management of corporate travel, we can add value, to drive costs down.

Tango Dancers Entertain Visitors to the Flea Market in Bogota ©Mano Chandra Dhas
Tango Dancers on Plaza Usaquen © Mano Chandra Dhas

Colombia City Tours and More …

Colombia is a very beautiful Andean country to visit. It is one you should not miss. However,  Colombia Tour and Holiday arrangements come with challenges that may be unique to the Colombia. If a visitor is not very fluent in Spanish, that may further augment the challenge. Coromandel SAS minimises the effort needed by tourists if they were to handle tourism arrangements on their own. We take the hassles out of the process and give you a travel experience that you will enjoy. We curate tour arrangements for any part of Colombia, a beautiful Latin American country.

Corporate Leisure Travel

There is an increasing trend to combine a few days of Leisure with a business trip. Our holidays & tours page will give you an idea of what is possible in some interesting destinations. We can expand on those ideas, or bring in other destinations that may interest you. We create bespoke itineraries (ask us about our famous 6-day Rome Itinerary). We can assist you with bookings on all the itineraries contained or mentioned on this website and much more.

VAT Recovery Services on Business Travel

Many companies around the world have been ignoring the savings avenue of Value Added Tax refunds on Business Travel. If recovered, these savings could add up to hundreds of thousands of dollars. We handle refunds in many European Union countries as well as some Asian countries. It may be noted that for handling VAT refunds, it does not matter where in the world we are based. All that matters is that your VAT Refund is back in your own company bank account, and we can make that process smooth and painless for you. Enquire about our VAT Recovery Services…Â