Lost Baggage EN

Lost Checked-in Bag – Ever Been In Such A Situation?

Every now and then, checked baggage seem to develop a mind of their own to go off on a jaunt. The truant piece of luggage, decides to take a route different from that of its owner. What was destined for Medicine Hat, Alberta could end up in Melbourne, Australia; or in Dublin, Ireland, instead of Dubai in the UAE. A lost checked-in bag can become a painful experience. It is one of those happenings that comes with air travel. There often is no rhyme or reason for the phenomenon. 2017 saw 4.08 Billion Air travellers; 22.7 Million bags were mishandled. Fortunately, 78% of all mishandled bags were only delayed; not lost.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance – A Must-have Before You Leave Home

Many people may consider Travel Insurance to be an instrument sold by peddlers of doom. That indeed is a matter of personal opinion. Personally, I think Travel Insurance is a necessary part of every trip. It provides the traveller with a certain amount of comfort, and more – especially when things go wrong.

Travel Call Centre

Travel Contact Centre – Technology

The Contact Centre for corporate travel is the engine around which the whole business revolves. If you don’t have a smoothly operating Contact Centre, you do not have a product. The Unit can be quite a beast when it comes to Technology. The secret of success in a Contact Centre lies in the manager’s skill and ability to harness the entire offering of the various technologies employed and make them work together, to deliver a best-in-class product.

Rome 1

6 Days in Rome – An Unforgettable Roman Holiday

I thought this time, I’d take a break from Corporate Travel and give a 6 days itinerary, instead. Let me take you to my most favourite city in the world: Rome. Where 2,700 years of vintage history is blended with the mundane cocktail of everyday life of the 21st Century. Here is the Best of Rome in 6 short days, a specially curated itinerary.

Given two weeks, you can hardly do justice to the City; most tourists try to give it four days before they move on. This is a 5-nights/6-days itinerary. Of course, you will find tons of information on Rome, in every language of the world; but, let me show you the City, my way – Rome in six days.

Travel Contact Centre - Mano Chandra Dhas

Corporate Travel Contact Centre – Location Choice

The Contact Centre is the heart of the Corporate Travel service to clients. It is the engine; everything else will revolve around it. Without it, there can be no service. Where then, would be the ideal location for your all-important Corporate Travel Contact Centre? Many a diehard traditionalist would tell you that it should be located where the head office is. In other words, the Managing Director or CEO, would like it where he is located. Such a notion, I presume, would come from a desire to show off one’s empire to every visitor. Some others would argue for it to be located in their own building, wherever that may be. Their main argument would be that with such an arrangement, they will have no rental costs. My own views on the subject are very different.

VAT Refunds on Business Travel/ Devolución del IVA

VAT Refund on Business Travel – VAT Recovery upto 20% on Business Travel Expenses

It may surprise some business executives to know that when they travel internationally for business to VAT-refunding countries, they’ve been paying Value Added Tax (VAT). This VAT expense can be refunded, amounting to significant savings. We’re here to enable you to unlock significant savings via VAT Refunds on Business Travel, accommodation, and more. VAT refunds are an important part of optimising business expenses. Let’s start with an overview of VAT.

Request For Proposal

Request For Proposal RFP – A Useful Checklist

A Request for Proposal RFP, is an integral part of a Multinational Company’s (MNC) process of choosing their Travel Management Company (TMC). Most MNCs will handle their choice through such a process. It may, however, be noted, from a Travel agent’s point of view, if you are not part of a major international TMC Network, you may never get to see the RFP of such an organisation. They are usually only sent out to the top three in the Business.

Corporate Travel Agent - by Mano Chandra Dhas

Corporate Travel Agent – Choosing The Best

Whatever the size of your Travel Account, you as a corporate, have every right to an efficient corporate travel agent. Travel agencies as we well know, come in all shapes and sizes. There are good ones, and bad ones. Really, it is up to you, how you evaluate your travel agent; but if you are looking at the best service for acceptable costs, you’d have to put your travel agent under the microscope.

Travel Blog - by Mano Chandra Dhas

Welcome to My Travel Blog

When I looked at what sort of Travel Blogs are out there on the Net, I came across hundreds. They are mostly Leisure Travel Blogs sharing information on destinations, or how to construct your trip. There are lots of tips. Many dos and don’ts. I have also seen some Business Travel Blogs that cater mainly to corporations; not too many of those, however.