Apple AirTag - Missing Baggage

The Apple AirTag and Airline Baggage Tracking

An increasing number of airlines are beginning to integrate the Apple AirTag into their checked-in tracking systems to assist with tracing Mishandled Baggage. The recent announcement of the Lufthansa Group brings the total of airlines using the AirTag up to 18. 

I wonder how many readers are right now thinking about how the small AirTag will help an airline’s passenger baggage tracking system. Of course, the process will only be of importance to you if your baggage does not arrive on the conveyor belt (I know well the feeling and the consequent thought process when one is in that situation), in the baggage arrival hall. Let’s have a look at how it works

Lost Baggage EN

Lost Checked-in Bag – Ever Been In Such A Situation?

Every now and then, checked baggage seem to develop a mind of their own to go off on a jaunt. The truant piece of luggage, decides to take a route different from that of its owner. What was destined for Medicine Hat, Alberta could end up in Melbourne, Australia; or in Dublin, Ireland, instead of Dubai in the UAE. A lost checked-in bag can become a painful experience. It is one of those happenings that comes with air travel. There often is no rhyme or reason for the phenomenon. 2017 saw 4.08 Billion Air travellers; 22.7 Million bags were mishandled. Fortunately, 78% of all mishandled bags were only delayed; not lost.

Travel Insurance

Travel Insurance – A Must-have Before You Leave Home

Many people may consider Travel Insurance to be an instrument sold by peddlers of doom. That indeed is a matter of personal opinion. Personally, I think Travel Insurance is a necessary part of every trip. It provides the traveller with a certain amount of comfort, and more – especially when things go wrong.