Travel Related Services
Coromandel SAS is a Travel Management Consultancy company providing a range of services from Corporate Travel Management to VAT Refund services over a wide geography. With a background in Travel Management and over 40 years of experience in travel and all related services to clients, we can help your company through a variety of savings and recommendations. Our services are available to both Business Houses and individual travellers. Here below is a list of our services.
Choosing an Efficient Travel Agent
Many corporates would choose a Travel Agent based on a recommendation, or on what a Travel Agent claims to be. The choice may not be based on a thorough evaluation of what is being offered, and pricing of Travel Services can often be complicated.
Coromandel SAS provides a service that checks every aspect of the proposal and ensures you get the best value for your Travel Spend.
Travel Services Configuration
It is important that the configuration of your Travel service is adequate to ensure the level of service that you as a Corporate, contracted with your Travel Agent. It is about how many staff will be involved in providing you with the service; how telephone calls and emails will be handled and actioned. The setting up of this process again requires experience. We will ensure you have the optimal service configuration.
Service Level Agreements
To ensure a Travel Policy is implemented effectively, it will be necessary to set up a Service Level Agreement with your Travel Agent. For example, it will define the time the agent may take to turn around a booking request or an email. Coromandel SAS will ensure that a viable Service Level Agreement is set up and review delivery levels.
Lodged Cards & Related Payment Solutions
Lodged Cards and related payment solutions are today possibly the best way to procure Travel. It could allow for up to 45 days of rolling credit in most countries and bring with it other added benefits. Which Card solution is the best for your company? Are there ways of extending Card solutions to encompass all aspects of travel including Hotel and entertainment? How can this be integrated with ERP systems? Coromandel SAS advises client companies, studies the local situation and recommends the ideal payment solution where required.
Account Management
Account Management, mainly applicable to larger Corporates, should achieve the objectives set in a Corporate’s Travel Policy. It is not about friendly visits to keep a relationship going. It is all about effectively implementing the Company’s Travel Policy. We can take over the review of the Account Management process and ensure that your Account is effectively managed.
Corporate Travel Policy
Your Travel Policy is vital to effectively ensure you get the best out of your Travel Spend. To put it differently, it is about how much ‘bang, you get for your buck’. Many multinationals may have the Policy sent to them from headquarters, asking for it to be implemented locally. Some larger companies may totally ignore the local implementation of the Policy. Coromandel SAS assists in ensuring the Travel Policy is effectively implemented. In situations where one does not exist and there is a need for an effective Policy, we can help design, create and implement one.
Streamlining the Booking Process
Very often a Corporate does not deliver the booking requirements to the Travel Agent in the best possible way. This in turn results in poor quality of bookings and confirmations. The ultimate loser is the Corporate both in terms of the quality of the service and money when flights are repeatedly cancelled resulting in various penalties. We review the entire process and ensure it is designed and streamlined for optimal efficiency.
Travel Insurance
Travel Insurance is important. Some corporates may insure all their travellers directly with Insurance companies. The question that needs to be asked is whether such insurance covers all aspects of the journey or trip. Whether airplane delays, lost baggage, delayed baggage, medical expenses (when involved), etc are covered. There are different ways to acquire Insurance coverage for business trips. Coromandel SAS can review and recommend the for your travellers.
Refund Management
When paper tickets existed, travellers held on to unutilised ticket coupons and asked for a refund (often, even when coupons did not have a refundable value!). Today with Electronic Tickets, all one may need to remember to check in at most airports is a booking reference or save a bar code on a smartphone. Many Corporates may just print an E-ticket receipt and give it to the traveller. When the journey is completed, unutilised portions that may have a refund value are completely forgotten by everyone concerned. The corporate could lose thousands of dollars in unclaimed refunds. Coromandel SAS can set up a process by which refunds are brought back to the Corporate. It is the Corporate’s money and rightfully, it should always come back to the Corporate
VAT Refunds on Business Travel
Many corporates today, just ignore VAT refunds. Consequently, a lot of refunds are never claimed. The sole beneficiary of such neglect is the Government Tax Authority. They keep what is never claimed. Coromandel SAS would like to emphasise the benefits of recovering VAT that has already been paid. For instance for travel to a country like the United Kingdom, it is possible to recover as much as 15 to 20% of the Travel and Entertainment expenses to the Country. We go beyond just regular VAT Recovery Services. We can also get back VAT paid on Accounts Payable invoices that may have been incorrectly charged by VAT refunding countries.
Effective Business Reviews
Effective Business Reviews need to take place at least every Quarter. That will ensure your Account Management is on track and the Travel Policy is being effectively implemented. That in turn, should ensure you are in total control of your Travel Spend, and are utilising your Spend in the best possible way for your business. Coromandel SAS can review the entire Travel Booking process in the light of your Travel Policy and sit with you at the Business Review Meetings to ensure all aspects of the Travel Policy are effectively covered.
Web Content and Website Design Planning
Coromandel SAS has experience in Web Content writing: both in Spanish and English. If you are planning a website, we are able to assist with both, writing content and planning the framework on which to build the website. We can take it even further and work with your Web Developer to ensure you get what you want.
Translation Services – English/Spanish
In Colombia there very often is a need for good translators, to either translate material from Spanish into English or, vice versa. Coromandel SAS provides a superior level of translation.
Contact us
Contact us for more information on any of the above services that Coromandel SAS provides.