Travel Call Centre

Travel Contact Centre – Technology

The Contact Centre for corporate travel is the engine around which the whole business revolves. If you don’t have a smoothly operating Contact Centre, you do not have a product. The Unit can be quite a beast when it comes to Technology. The secret of success in a Contact Centre lies in the manager’s skill and ability to harness the entire offering of the various technologies employed and make them work together, to deliver a best-in-class product.

Rome 1

6 Days in Rome – An Unforgettable Roman Holiday

I thought this time, I’d take a break from Corporate Travel and give a 6 days itinerary, instead. Let me take you to my most favourite city in the world: Rome. Where 2,700 years of vintage history is blended with the mundane cocktail of everyday life of the 21st Century. Here is the Best of Rome in 6 short days, a specially curated itinerary.

Given two weeks, you can hardly do justice to the City; most tourists try to give it four days before they move on. This is a 5-nights/6-days itinerary. Of course, you will find tons of information on Rome, in every language of the world; but, let me show you the City, my way – Rome in six days.

Travel Blog - by Mano Chandra Dhas

Welcome to My Travel Blog

When I looked at what sort of Travel Blogs are out there on the Net, I came across hundreds. They are mostly Leisure Travel Blogs sharing information on destinations, or how to construct your trip. There are lots of tips. Many dos and don’ts. I have also seen some Business Travel Blogs that cater mainly to corporations; not too many of those, however.