
Holiday Air Travel on the Post COVID-19 Radar

Suddenly this summer, when it comes to air travel, everything appears to be almost back to normal even though some reports claim that only 60% is back. However, fewer flights than in a normal pre Covid-19 summer, and fewer staff are creating desperate situations at many passenger touch points. People are jostling for availability of airline seats and holiday opportunities. At airports, It is a busy time once again, and some Travel companies are already proclaiming their best year ever!

Post Pandemic Shape Of Corporate Travel Management Companies

Shape of TMCs – Creative Changes For Efficient Travel Businesses

Post-pandemic, the shape of TMCs (Travel Management Companies), is set for major change. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) forecast for Travel in 2021 is 52% of 2019 levels. The estimate for 2022 is 88% of 2019. Only by the end of 2023 will it be 105% of 2019 levels. The demand for Air Travel in June 2021 was just 60.1% compared to June 2019. 

DXB Immigration

Dubai Immigration Penalty On COVID-19 Overstay

The Dubai Immigration Department used to have a reputation for being fair in every situation. Sadly, in these Covid-19 times, it does not seem to be the case. In this blog, I am going to put before you a case of a young man who went to Dubai with many dreams. Covid-19 destroyed his job and his dreams and on top of that, he had a Dubai Immigration Penalty to pay! This is a true story. To protect his identity, I am going to call him Mr. X.

Covid-19 TMC Restructuring

Post Covid-19 Travel Management Companies Restructuring

The onslaught of Covid-19 has been relentless. Air Travel has taken its mightiest blow ever in the history of post-war Civil Aviation. It created an almost complete lockdown for the Industry in terms of International Travel. The good news is that all of these effects will peak, and eventually when they find the vaccine, disappear. Post Covid-19 challenges will impact Travel Management Companies.

MCD Covid 19EN

Covid-19 And Air Travel

The Airline industry has been one of the worst hit by the Coronavirus pandemic. It will be several years before airlines around the world recover from the damage. The International Air Transport Association (IATA), estimates lost revenue for 2020 will be 314 Billion US dollars. IATA also estimates that 4.5 Million flights will be cancelled by June 30, 2020. Never before has the Industry been hit so badly by a pandemic virus.